CIAO formally opened 18 October 2018

The Arctic Observatory, CIAO, is a state-of-the-art research station and the first of its kind with dedicated outreach facilities for the public. The investment in building and land is financed by the Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC).

CIAO provides exceptional opportunities to connect science, scientists, the public/tourists and business through its on side Exhibition Centre and conference facilities. An important contribution to tourism and education in Iceland and Globally given the steady increase in interest in the Northern Lights / Aurora Borealis and environmental science.

CIAO exhibition and outreach material can be duplicated or projected for outreach in distant Science Centres and tourism establishments through on-side fiber connections and partnerships

CIAO is to be a leader in International Science Communication and educational material production in cooperation with PRIC, local and international science, educational institutions, and Science Centre partners.

The photos are from the second floor of the observatory - to see more photos please visit our Picture Gallery

 indoor1.jpg  indoor4  Indoor CIAO upstairs2  Indoor CIAO stairs

Science Tourism: services and products for Dancing with the Lights - Aurora exhibition


• Further the public´s scientific understanding including on solar-terrestrial interaction and space weather

• to design new science exhibition related services and products for international science communication

• support science education

• to increase the understanding of the environmental, cultural and social dynamics

• to promote entrepreneurship to realize the potential of ‘place-based’ development opportunities for tourism and experience industries

• to provide new business opportunities for local companies

China-Iceland Joint Arctic Observatory | Kárhóll | 4640415 | [email protected]

  • Rannís
  • PRIC
  • Arctic Portal

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